
The IYPT regulations were gradually evolving over time, and are generally amended stepwise every year. This section attempts to bring together the original, authentic texts of the regulations as they were available to the participants of each IYPT. The regulations used at the earliest IYPTs had already most of the features that we commonly know today. Nevertheless, many differences existed against the today’s regulations. The examples include the procedure of grading (2...5+, or an extended Soviet school grading scale, until 2001); the time allocated for each performance in a Physics Fight; the status of Semi-Finals and how the problems for the Semi-Finals were selected from the entire set of 17 tasks (until 2001); the challenge procedure in the Finals (omitted in 1994 or 1995), or the procedure to calculate and round up the TSPs.


[+] Е. Юносов. Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1980, стр. 57—58 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 17.VI.80] [pdf] [incomplete djvu] [gif]


[+] Е. Юносов. Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1980, стр. 57—58 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 17.VI.80] [pdf] [incomplete djvu] [gif]


[+] Е. Юносов. III Московский турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 2, 1982, стр. 55—57 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 16.12.81] [pdf] [djvu] [gif]


[+] Е. Юносов. IV Московский турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 9, 1982, стр. 57—61 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 26.8.82] [pdf] [djvu] [gif] [gif]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов. V Московский турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 10, 1983, стр. 59—61 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 16.8.83] [pdf] [gif]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов. VI Московский турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 9, 1984, стр. 57—60 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 19.7.84] [pdf] [gif]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский. VII Московский турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1985, стр. 57—58 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 19.06.85] [pdf] [gif]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский. VIII турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1985, стр. 58—60 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 19.06.85] [pdf] [gif]
[+] Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский. VIII Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1986, стр. 60—62 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 19.6.86] [pdf] [incomplete djvu] [gif]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский. IX Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1986, стр. 62—63 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 19.6.86] [pdf] [incomplete djvu] [gif]
[+] Турнир юных физиков: методические рекомендации по подготовке и проведению турнира юных физиков и задания конкурсов турнира. Сост. В. Г. Бабаев, Т. П. Корнеева, Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский / МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, физический факультет. — М.: МГУ, 1987, стр. 6, 70—77 [pdf]


[+] Т. П. Корнеева, Е. Н. Юносов, И. В. Яминский. X Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1987, стр. 59—60 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 17.06.87] [pdf] [djvu] [gif]
[+] Турнир юных физиков: правила и задания X Московского, Всесоюзного и Международного турниров юных физиков. — М.: МГУ, 1988 [pdf]
[+] Physics Fight regulations at the 1st IYPT, English translation (, March 13, 2011) [html]


[+] [Как организован физбой.] Е. Н. Юносов. XI Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1988, стр. 61—63 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 15.06.88] [pdf] [gif]
[+] Турнир юных физиков: физиков: итоговый документ II Всесоюзного и Международного турнира юных физиков. 24 марта — 5 апреля 1989 г. — М.: МГУ, 1989 [pdf]
[+] T. D. Korneeva et al. Young Physicists’ Tournament (YPT): A collective competition. Gifted Talented International, 7, 1-2, 86-95 (1991) [pdf]


[+] Е. Н. Юносов. XII Турнир юных физиков // Квант, № 8, 1989, стр. 76—78 ISSN 0130-2221 [сдано в набор 26.05.89] [pdf] [gif]
[+] T. D. Korneeva et al. Young Physicists’ Tournament (YPT): A collective competition. Gifted Talented International, 7, 1-2, 86-95 (1991) [pdf]
[+] Правила матбоя и физбоя (1990) [jpg]


[+] Jeanne Stoliaroff. Compte-rendu du tournoi international des jeunes physiciens à Moscou. Bull. Union Phys. 85, No. 738, 1493—1497 (Novembre 1991) [pdf]


[+] Л. Марковіч. У фізбой гуляюць сапраўдныя мужчыны // Настаўніцкая газета, 1992, № 88 (28.10.1992) [gif] [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT in Russian [txt]
[+] Rules and Regulations [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Warsaw, October 1994. In: Zdeněk Kluiber et al. The development of talents in physics. JČMF, Prometheus, Prague (1995), pp. 21-27 [pdf]
[+] Regulations of the IYPT in English dated October 1994 [txt]


[+] Правила Международного турнира юных физиков (Москва-Гронинген-Варшава-Тбилиси, 1988-1995 гг.) [pdf]


[+] 10th International Young Physicists’ Tournament. IDM MŠMT, Prague (1998) ISBN 80-86033-26-2 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Stuttgart, October 1997 [pdf]
[+] The Regulations of the International Young Physicists' Tournament. Compiled by Rudolf Lehn [html]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Stuttgart, October 1997 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Stuttgart, October 1997 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Espoo, October 14th 2000 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Odessa, 28th May 2002 ? [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Odessa, 28th May 2002 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, Harmonia, 18th October 2003 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in October 2004 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in July 2005 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in July 2005 [html]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted by e-mail, January 2008 [pdf] [html]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in Trogir on 29th May 2008 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in Tianjin on 29th July 2009 [pdf]


[+] Regulations of the IYPT, accepted in Tianjin on 29th July 2009 [html]